Dr. Peets’ Teaching Tip of the Week "After you discipline a student, let it go. Don't carry over to the next day. Treat every day as a new slate for each child. Everyone has a ...
Dr. Peets’ Teaching Tip of the Week “Everyone who remembers their own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational syst...
SEL/MTSS Tip #1 - As we start the 2024-2025 school year we want to anchor you in the work of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). MTSS is a framework that organizes no...
Each of our schools has posted their school supply lists on their school's web page. Through our partnership with Teacher Lists, families simply need to click on the link for thei...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week 2024 Final Spartan Tech Tips & Tricks - This edition is two pages long, and the second page has important information about what the IT Departme...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week 2024 Final Spartan Tech Tips & Tricks - This edition is two pages long, and the second page has important information about what the IT Departme...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week 2024 Final Spartan Tech Tips & Tricks - This edition is two pages long, and the second page has important information about what the IT Departme...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week Dr. Mullen’s Spartan Tech Monthly Tips & Tricks SEL Tip #35: How productive are you each day and week? See below for a great visual to cons...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week Dr. Mullen’s Spartan Tech Monthly Tips & Tricks SEL Tip #33—Reflection and Feedback—A healthy part of any organization and of any individua...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week Dr. Mullen’s Spartan Tech Monthly Tips & Tricks SEL Tip #32 - Stress - “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adv...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week Dr. Mullen’s Spartan Tech Monthly Tips & Tricks SEL Tip #31 - A natural part of life is that we all have good days, great days, not-so-grea...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week SEL Tip #30—Taking a moment every day to check in with yourself is a great practice/routine. See below for a quick mental health checklist for any...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week SEL Tip #29: Quick and easy: What brings you joy? How can you intentionally bring joy and laughter into your life each and every day?
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week SEL Tip #27—Here we go! It is April, and soon it will be May, then June! This year is flying by! While I was getting some work done, I came across...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week SEL Tip #26: Emotional Regulation is the ability to exert control over one's own emotional state. (The first step is some self-awareness and ident...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week SEL TIP #25 - Last weekend, I attended the Innovative Schools Summit, which was dynamic. During our three days of keynotes and breakout sessions,...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week SEL Tip #24 - A great visual to reflect on or think about…what skills do you have…or are you working on that makes you superhuman? 🙂
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week SEL Tip #23 - Now that every building has had an overview in Panorama, the SEL tip for this week is to log in and EXPLORE the Panorama Playbook. (*cl...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week
SEL TIP #22 - Intentional decision-making is what we do as educators to ensure that we support the development of every student in our classroom...
SEL/Teaching Tips of the Week
SEL Tip #21 - Right from CASEL! It’s important to do regular check-ins with students (and each other!) Consider the different levels of check-in...