Dr. Peets’ Teaching Tip of the Week

Asking for help and sharing ideas with peers is powerful. Whether you are new to our school or a veteran, we all need help. This could be with how to reach a student or how to complete your marking period grades. To keep our school moving in a positive direction we need each other. I implore you to check in with your department members and team members, your neighbors and friends to help each other and share the ideas you have to reach students. Together we are stronger; together we are unbroken; together we can do anything!!

TCI Tip of the Week from Ange: 

Everyone has a different Baseline, responds to different triggers, and demonstrates different responses in a crisis. Discussion and movement forward will occur when a student is effectively at Baseline.

SEL/MTSS Tip #11

The SEL survey has been completed for students in 3rd-12th grade and the results are available now to review (by building, grade level, class and student) in Panorama Ed. *NOTE - this is a general survey focused on self-awareness, self-management, positive feelings, challenging feelings, and relationships.  We will also be talking about the results with various teams.  A few reminders of the results - students entered their thoughts/answers to each question.  This is a way for us to hear their voice and determine how to best support them. When looking at the results we want to think about skill building.  Example - How to build relationship skills?  Or how do we support a small group of students with self-management skills?  Quick reminder - If you don’t know where to start check out the Panorama Playbook for possible interventions to try!