Dr. Peets’ Teaching Tip of the Week
As they say, NEW YEAR, NEW YOU!! What new instructional strategy will you attempt? What new instructional technology will you learn to engage students? What book will you read, or what PD will you attend to help you become a stronger instructional leader in your classroom?
Many people set new year’s resolutions to improve their mental and physical health, but rarely do they create professional goals for the new year. Become a trendsetter and do both!
TCI Tip of the Week from Ange
An active listener uses empathetic and reflective comments. Do not attempt to solve the problem.
SEL/MTSS Tip #17
Here we GO! Happy NEW YEAR Sodus CSD! As we are starting this year here is a great visual to reflect on. How are you demonstrating emotional intelligence? How can you intentionally bring this practice into the new year?