Dr. Peets’ Teaching Tip of the Week
Teach from bell to bell. The bell doesn't dismiss students, you do.
If you allow students to line up at the door one minute prior to the bell this is a huge loss of instructional time:
1 week = 5 minutes
10 weeks = 50 minutes (1.25 classes)
20 weeks = 100 minutes (2.5 classes)
30 weeks = 150 minutes (3.75 classes)
40 weeks = 200 minutes ( 5 classes)
TCI Tip of the Week from Ange
It’s okay to say, “Sorry.”
SEL/MTSS Tip #18
Self-Awareness and reflection - The start of a new year OR mid-year is a great time to take a moment to reflect on where we are currently. Professionally - are at least 80% of students successful and learning. If not, what adjustments can be made? When thinking about MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) this thinking is applied at the Classroom Level, Grade level, Building level and District level. Interventions are about how adults adjust their practices to strengthen tier 1, offer targeted tier 2 supports in the classroom or through additional intervention, and/or looking at and adjusting targeted supports for those students with Tier 3 needs. All supports should be connected and layered. Start with the student’s strengths and build from there. As humans we ALL have strengths and areas of need. See below for a great visual from Midwest PBIS that can also be used to reflect on.