Dr. Peets’ Teaching Tip of the Week 

Approach every student with kindness this week. Exam weeks are just as stressful for students as it is on us. Students will match our levels of emotion. If we are calm, they will be also; which improves test scores. If you need support or have a question during testing, please call the main office and Paula, Erik, or I will come to you. We are here to support you and the students!!

TCI Tip of the Week from Ange 

Students may not be able to label or identify their feelings. (Zones of Regulation may be great visuals) They need to be taught how to link their body’s response to their feelings.

SEL/MTSS Tip #19

First - our

District MTSS Team

is hoping to get feedback from staff about the systems and support at Sodus CSD.  Last week the Principals shared out the

Mid-Year staff survey

 - at this point we have

15 responses

.  (3 Elementary; 6 Intermediate; 6 Jr Sr). 

If you could take 1-2 minutes to fill it out it would be greatly appreciated

.  Building MTSS Teams will be reviewing the responses at an upcoming meeting.  And finally, one of my favorite quotes as we start a new week after taking time to reflect on and celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Have a great week everyone!