The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical is happening March 7th and 8th!
Tickets are $12 and can be ordered online at: our.show/soduscentral
Thank you for supporting our performing arts & musical program!
#WeAreSodus #SodusSpartans

The JSHS Valentine's Spirit Week is coming! Take a look at the flyers and show your Spartan Pride by dressing up on each day's theme.
#WeAreSodus #SodusSpartans

Sodus Community Schools invites Sodus families to Crock-Pot & Game Night!
This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with staff and other families, enjoy a variety of dishes, and play games together. See the flyer for more information or reach out to 315-483-5238.

January Regents Exams are coming up! If your student is taking one of these exams, see the image for information on review classes.
#WeAreSodus #SodusSpartans

Reminder that Breakfast & Shopping with Santa is this Saturday in the Elementary School Cafeteria! See the flyer for more details!
#SodusSpartans #WeAreSodus

The Jr. / Sr. High School starts our Holiday Spirit Week next week! See the flyers for our daily themes.

Our Sodus Class of 2026 is hosting a Breakfast and Shopping with Santa event on Saturday, December 14th! Please see the flyers for more information. #WeAreSodus #SodusSpartans

FAFSA Night! If your student is a senior attending college next year please come to our Financial Aid Information Night. This event will be held on Tuesday, November 12th from 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. in room 234 in the JSHS #WeAreSodus #SodusSpartans

Sodus PTO is hosting Trunk or Treat on October 25th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Scan the code in the photo to learn more or to volunteer!
#WeAreSodus #SodusSpartans

Sodus High School is hosting a Blood Drive on November 4th from 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. See the information in the photo and consider giving the gift of life.
#WeAreSodus #SodusSpartans

It's Board of Education Recognition Week!
Thank you Sodus BOE members for your dedication and tireless work to support our Spartan community: Jason Walters, Jeff Martinez, Eric Budinger, Kelly DeMarree, Jim Sergeant, Brian Wagner, and Sarah Williams! #WeAreSodus #SodusSpartans

Congratulations to Gene Hoskins on being honored with the Golden Apple Award!
Thank you for your dedication to the Spartan Community #WeAreSodus #SodusSpartans

Next week is Homecoming! Take a look at our Spirit Week themes and dress up to show your Spartan Pride! After school, come on out to cheer on our Spartan athletes! #SpartanNation #WeAreSodus #SodusSpartans

The fall sports season begins soon! Remember to register for a sport and contact Nurse Budinger if you need a physical on Aug. 23rd from 8-11 a.m.

2024-2025 Jr./Sr. High School Supply List:

Sodus JSHS presents Into the Woods on Fri. Mar. 8, 2024 & Sat. March 9, 2024, at the High School Auditorium 7:00 pm
Interested in purchasing tickets online? Use this link! https://www.onthestage.tickets/show/sodus-central-school/65ae8f366021af0e62c89e25

2024 Soduskan yearbook
On Sale
$45 until February 26, 2024
$50 after that
Order through:
Code: 13462
See Mrs. Hoot (room 229)

11/22 -11/24: No School, Thanksgiving Holiday

November Parent-Teacher Conferences
Will be held on 11/20 (11:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) and 11/21(11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.)

Good morning from South Central Schools!